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H9 size is a single beam bulb mostly used for the high beams (2003-2006 Audi A4 Cabriolet and 2012-2015 Chevrolet Captive Sport). You can choose from LED and HID kits. Kensun offers H9 HIDs in 35W and 55W sets. The 35W kit produces more light than OEM halogen bulbs. The night vision can be considerably increased with this set. Though, you can choose the 55W kit which is 20% brighter than 35W one. You will be pleasantly surprised by the great variety of colors.

For those who are looking for something different from HIDs, we have H9 LED kit. If you are ready to experiment, try the color filters which are included in the set. You have a chance to try out blue, yellow and white lights.

Discover the advantage of good visibility with Kensun lights.